Not only are they adored by hikers, but everyone from nurses to retail workers are incorporating them into their wardrobe.
Outdoor gear deals for spring are all over the internet right now, including at retailers like REI, Merrell, and even ...
While you can hike with no equipment, you’ll quickly find that hitting the trails is more comfortable and enjoyable when you dress for the occasion. Once you’ve decided on the perfect hiking boots, it ...
Learn More › Anyone who has been caught in a rainstorm, had their inseam rip as they sat on a rock during a break, or been swarmed by mosquitoes when the wind died down can appreciate the importance ...
As the weather begins to warm up, lifestyle expert Makho Ndlovu joins TODAY to share everything you need to get outside from ...
Columbia’s Silver Ridge Utility Pants are on sale for a mere $36 during the sale, which is 40% off the original $60 price tag. These hiking pants boast over 180 five-star ratings on Amazon ...
The Arc’teryx Alroy pant was designed for ‘long summer days outdoors’ – so that’s exactly how we tested these lightweight hiking trousers, which are designed to be cool and flexible on ...