Want to grow roses in North Texas but not sure how to make a garden thrive or which varieties to select? We've sorted it all ...
Prune your spring flowering shrubs within six weeks after they have finished blooming. Do not cut back the foliage of any ...
Pennsylvania falls within the defined USDA Northeast region of the U.S.: the western Pennsylvania specific USDA Planting Zone ...
Roses can be beautiful on their own, but it's even better to have a companion ground cover to help it thrive. Try these suitable ground cover companions.
And in the old garden rose, you often find wonderful fragrance and good cutting roses. I admit to being a greedy gardener. I love to be able to see flowers blooming, but the value of the plant is ...
Humans have been cultivating roses for nearly 4000 years, which explains why roses hold a unique place among all other shrubs ...