The IAEA supports China and Japan's agreement to resume seafood imports from Japan after verifying the Fukushima water ...
The ongoing collaboration between the Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) ...
Russian forces have carried out over 1,000 strikes on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, causing significant loss of generating ...
Learn about the serious situation surrounding Russia's Kursk nuclear power plant and the concerns expressed by the U.N. nuclear agency chief.
Since gaining independence in 1971, the State of Qatar paid special attention to establishing its identity and enhancin ...
The State of Qatar expressed its appreciation for the efforts made by the International Atomic <a target=_blank href= ...
Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas have targeted the Dimona reactor in the past and are likely to do so in the future.
Somalia has joined the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Monday at the General Conference in Vienna. Somalia said ...
On nuclear safety and security, Grossi discussed the IAEA's presence at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine and ...
Pakistan has been elected as a Member of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Board of Governors (BOG) for a two-year ...
Yemen signed its first-ever Country Programme Framework (CPF) with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
The National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) of Argentina says the country is aiming to contribute its experience and ...