Occidental, the oil giant that has tried to fashion itself as a climate tech leader, is being real clear now about capturing ...
Solar and wind together now represent nearly a quarter of electricity demand and nearly 10% of all energy consumption in the ...
Pennsylvania has the most diverse energy portfolio in the country, but it is losing its thermal generation of electricity ...
Maureen Santos is an ecologist and political scientist, currently serving as coordinator of the Politics and Alternatives ...
The anti-ESG camp has accumulated high-profile wins lately. In January, a court ruled in favor of an American Airlines pilot ...
Major environmental, social and political challenges facing the global cocoa industry will be given a prime platform next ...
As part of a multi-pronged approach toward curbing the effects of greenhouse gas emissions, scientists seek to better ...
As part of a multi-pronged approach toward curbing the effects of greenhouse gas emissions, scientists seek to better understand the impact of rising ...
A new emission conversion system can take methane and split it into hydrogen and graphene while also being good for the ...
With the right leadership, Australia can turn green hydrogen’s stumbles into a global triumph for heavy industry.
An attempt by the agency to claw back billions in climate funds has led to confusion and the resignation of a top prosecutor.
The change would effectively transfer financial responsibility from oil drillers, auto manufacturers and others and leave ...