Construction is expected to begin in February and take about 18 months. 2326 W “A” St. Columbia River Walk apartments is preparing to expand westward onto a 1.4-acre site bordering the ...
A portion of the Saluda Riverwalk in Columbia, near the Riverbanks Zoo and ... Development along the Saluda River has been talked about by local leaders for decades. But the work at the zoo ...
On the Columbia River, the Bonneville Dam alone supplies ... salmon spawned in such great numbers that you could practically walk on their backs to cross the water. That’s not the case today.
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — A floating shanty that sat on the Oregon side of the Columbia River near Government Island for roughly a year was removed on Feb. 24 by the Oregon Department of State ...
CASCADE LOCKS, Ore. (KATU) — For the second day in a row, a dive team worked to recover a car from the Columbia River near Cascade Locks. This recovery will possibly be bringing closure to the ...
Flooding also occurs on parts of the Cayce and West Columbia river walk. At 13.0 feet, Flooding occurs in flood prone areas near and downstream from Columbia. Flooding also occurs over much of the ...