Alaska, volcano and Mount Spurr

Deep within Africa’s Great Rift Valley, Virunga National Park is home to some of the continent’s most active volcanoes, ...
Set in the Cascade Mountain Range near the city of Klamath Falls, Crater Lake is the beautiful result of an ancient volcano, Mount Mazama. At nearly 2,000 feet deep, Crater Lake is not only one ...
"Given how rare such evidence is due to [Earth's] geological recycling processes, this is a major breakthrough in ...
The volcanic activity that began building Haleakala occurred about 2 million years ago. Haleakala is listed as a moderate threat volcano, and scientists say it’s not a matter of if but when ...
Another eruption in August of 1992 heated a small lake in the mountain's crater to the boiling point. Later, a plume of ash exploded out, reaching 47,500 feet into the atmosphere. The ash closed ...
The impact crater could be linked to the origins of life on Earth. The discovery of a massive crater formed by the impact of a meteorite more than three billion years ago is changing the way ...
According to organizers, the volunteers must be physically capable of being outdoors in the sun, heat and cold in a mountain crater at 10,000 feet elevation. The work involves walking on uneven ...
Set in the Cascade Mountain Range near the city of Klamath Falls, Crater Lake is the beautiful result of an ancient volcano, Mount Mazama. At nearly 2,000 feet deep, Crater Lake is not only one ...