The UW's recent 'D' grade highlights growing worries over anti-Zionism and its impact on campus Jewish life and community.
Stop at Surprise Beach and admire the view of Oregon across the water ... Different signs have information about native plants, water-powered mills, and the surrounding wetlands. Vancouver and ...
Two area high school students just won a state competition as a part of the Oregon Department of Transportation's "Work Zone ...
Portland General Electric (PGE) has the green light from a city hearings officer to go ahead with a plan to build a new ...
Enter the first major U.S. airport with a timber roof and the wow factor is everywhere. Undertaken at a cost of $2.1 billion, ...
The article myopically focuses on problems with certain Portland tree code provisions and the rigidity with which they are ...
Better Portland ED and Vanport Studio CEO Stephen Green debunks doom loop gloom by recalling the Rose City's resilience ...
which is part of the region's 40-mile loop system connecting pedestrian and trail routes along the Columbia River to Gresham through southeast Portland along the Willamette Greenway and back to ...
Pee Wee Harrison recently pitched the idea to install synthetic ivy on graffiti-prone retaining walls with a goal to make the city of Portland green again.