An MLB to Portland effort released their first renderings of what the proposed south waterfront ballpark would look like.
With the unveiling of the Portland Diamond Project’s design for a 32,000-seat stadium between the Ross Island Bridge and ...
Portland Diamond Project shared renderings this week of a new ball park which could host a prospective professional baseball ...
OMSI will host a late-night watch party in Portland for the March 13 total lunar eclipse, giving people a good view of the astronomical event while explaining what in the world is happening up there.
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Good Morning, Portland! Writing up this newsblast in ... commenting on the ongoing plans to build a baseball stadium by the Tilikum Bridge, in the city's southwest waterfront area.
PORTLAND, Ore ... Orange and Yellow lines were unable to cross the Steel Bridge due to a signal issue. Bus lines that use Tilikum Crossing had been detoured to other bridges due to conditions ...