Titled “next chapter,” an email sent by U.S. Forest Supervisor Russ Bacon last week announced he is retiring as supervisor of ...
Jackson Outfitters, a hunting company based in southwestern Colorado, paid $500,000 to settle allegations that it sparked a national forest wildfire in 2019, federal officials said.
The fire burned approximately 850 acres of the Uncompahgre National Forest in October 2019. According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Colorado, the Cow Creek Fire was started ...
Colorado’s outdoors are more crowded than ever. Now, land managers are increasingly turning to Big Tech to track your outdoor exploits.
A settlement of $500,000 was reached for the 850-acre wildfire after Jackson Outfitters hired an independent fire investigator to back the claim of four self-guided elk hunters from Wisconsin, who ...
Their cardboard signs read “Protect Our Parks,” “Fund Parks Not Billionaires” and “Keep Public Lands Public.” Within the group were students from Western Colorado University, terminated Park Service ...
The Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests’ Gunnison Ranger District reminds visitors that National Forest System Trail #424–Doctor Park trail closed to all uses on March 1 and will ...
E&E News reported Friday that the Forest Service laid off as many ... about 29 positions this year on the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison national forests. Impacts are expected in areas ...
The original employee cutbacks come as a result of budget constraints for the overall USFS anticipated during budget time ...
Jackson Outfitters, using evidence from its independent investigation, and wanting to continue to operate in the Uncompahgre National Forest agreed to settle the case for $500,000.