A bill that would allow for the installation of “baby boxes” could unleash a slew of safety, legal and ethical issues in a ...
In the small town of Blackfoot in eastern Idaho, mothers can now safely abandon their babies without the need for human ...
The Malloy T-600 drone takes naval warfare to the next level as it successfully deploys a Sting Ray torpedo, showcasing the ...
To start, I am going to repeat something you said back to you: Your husband would not promise to refrain from hitting or using physical force with your child. That means that he will probably do it ...
A new Safe Haven Baby Box was blessed in Elkhart on Thursday.This is the 144th baby box avaliable in Indiana and the 319th in ...
The City of Columbia is proud to announce its partnership with Safe Haven Baby Boxes (SHBB) to install a life-saving Baby Box ...
Pennsylvania’s Safe Haven Law, also known as the Newborn Protection Act (the Act), allows parents to surrender their infants at hospitals, ...
The relinquishment of the two babies brings the total number of Safe Haven babies to 76 since the law's enactment in Iowa over 20 years ago.
MURRAY, Ky. (KFVS) - A Safe Haven Baby Box has been installed at a police department in Western Kentucky. According to the Murray Police Department, on Tuesday, February 25, they hosted the blessing ...
The Murray Police Department (MPD) dedicated a device Tuesday that would allow mothers to legally and safely leave their baby ...