Today the Council agreed to mobilise the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Greece and France, relating to six natural disasters occurred in 2023. The ...
The Council today approved the Commission’s positive assessment of Luxembourg’s amended recovery and resilience plan. The amended recovery and resilience plan now includes a REPowerEU chapter.
Speaking at the UN Summit of the Future, in New York, President of the European Council Charles Michel highlighted the need for the Pact for the Future that reinvigorates multilateral trust.
От началото на руското нашествие в Украйна през февруари 2022 г. украинският износ на зърно е сериозно нарушен. В продължение на повече от ...
Amióta Oroszország 2022 februárjában inváziót indított Ukrajna ellen, az ukrán gabonaexport súlyos zavarokkal küzd. Az orosz hadihajók több mint négy hónapon át blokkolták a fekete-tengeri ukrán ...