Police Oracle has recently undergone a move to a new website. To ensure your security is upheld you may be prompted to reset ...
RSR is a public safety & enterprise security recruitment specialist. We assist public safety employers find the right talent. We assist all employers when they want to source public safety and ...
Operation Castle's lead said 'police officers love nothing more than to catch a burglar in the act'.
Former RUC assistant chief constable William Stewart, who was the divisional commander in Newry on the day of the attack, spoke during Sunday's memorial.
Former PC Salmon went on to destroy the bodyworn video cameras belonging to both officers, which may have contained evidence ...
Witnesses to the incident heard the armed officer repeatedly telling Graham Trinder to put down the weapon.
The vast majority of inspectors are in favour of a rostered shift pattern because many are working up to 40 unpaid hours every month according to Fed survey.
A new joint submission from a series of key authorities stressed that policing has a vital role in the debate on how the law is shaped.
The force was struck by two similar incidents during the week, which were condemned by the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party.
The chief constable said the decision was "made with the best interests of taxpayers and the community in mind" as the current stations are not up to the required modern standard.
The allegations concerned comments made during a conversation on a night shift between officers relating to a social night out involving their team. Performance cookies are used to understand and ...