Duck Dynasty premiered in 2012 and ran for 11 seasons before going off the air in 2017. At the time, the show focused on Phil, brother Si, and three of his sons, Willie, Jase and Jep Robertson as they ...
ORLANDO, Fla. - Snow in Florida? Yes! You heard that right. The winter storm moving through the southern regions of Texas, Louisiana and Alabama has brought snow to the Sunshine State. Snow began to ...
Texas is known for having crazy weather, but for one area to endure these 3 weather events in less than a month is unheard of ...
The South is bracing for a major winter storm, most of the nation remains gripped by extreme cold, and high winds could fan ...
Millions of Americans face an artic blast, including the first-ever blizzard warning for parts of the Gulf Coast.
Historic snowfall is burying parts of the Gulf Coast from southeast Texas through Louisiana and into parts of Mississippi and ...
More than 220 million people across the United States are facing dangerous cold that will also open the door for a ...
Storm Warning goes into effect Monday night for much of south and southeast Texas. Here are projected snowfall totals for ...
Bird flu has been detected in a Lincoln wastewater sample, but it isn't clear whether the virus came from animals, animal ...
Another year is over and it is already in the past. Indeed, this very moment, this very day will soon become the past of a future that is to yet to come? As we scan a field of unlimited possibilities ...