A man in Aligarh standing near his house, waiting to have ‘sehri’ (the pre-dawn meal consumed by Muslims before fasting for ...
On Tuesday (Mar 4), Jason Wong, a property agent, spotted an elderly man lying down on the road shoulder of the Pan Island Expressway (PIE). The 34-year-old immediately pulled over and ...
Matthew Hardy, aged 37, is standing trial having been charged with the murder of Antony Derwent at the flat the pair were sharing on Wheat Close ...
After first responders had locked everything down, Greenwood County Sheriff's Investigator ... he uh said to Davis as he was lying on the ground … I think he was glad he was dead.
President Donald Trump perpetuated and expanded on a lie he told during his joint address ... billionaire and world’s richest man Elon Musk, has “found hundreds of billions of dollars worth ...
Richard Jones must serve a minimum of 20 years in prison for killing 30-year-old Sophie Evans - she was discovered face down ...
Robin van Persie enjoyed successful spells with both Manchester United and Arsenal during his playing career with both of his ...
From a Bond villain lair in the rugged heights overlooking Damascus, the all-seeing eye of a notorious Syrian military unit ...