Mountain lions could be pursued by “hazers” with dogs under a new California bill, introduced a day after similar legislation ...
A cute foster cat named Charlie has a unique bed that's become his favorite place to catch some daily zzzs, and it's his ...
With their thick fur and double coat, Shiba Inus are practically built for enjoying the snow and cold conditions. This ...
Hero mountain rescue teams have saved a stricken dog after it suffered a horror fall at a Scots beauty spot. Crews from ...
The sun shone bright, birds zipped around the sky and tiny, vivid purple, yellow and white flowers flared at my feet.
Guo Qingshan took a photo of a mountain shaped like a dog’s head and snout while visiting his hometown of Yichang in central ...
Guo had gone on a hike while visiting his hometown of Yichang in central China’s Hubei province in late January. When ...
Rich Bartel, owner of the Clowndog Hot Dog Parlor, is more than happy to celebrate an occasion that boosts business at his ...
Ever since a mountain lion banged her head against our glass kitchen door and stared into my soul, I have been obsessed with ...
North Park Snow Dog Race takes off from State Forest State Park on Saturday and Sunday in Walden. The two-day event, hosted ...
China has gained a new tourist attraction after a photo of a mountain shaped like a dog went viral on social media.
In this epic showdown, a devoted dog proves its loyalty, standing its ground against a menacing mountain lion.