A mural in the federal courthouse in Portland. A large painting in the lobby of a federal office building in Bangor. Sculptures that welcome visitors at the border between Canada and Maine. They're ...
The landmark recently made a federal list of properties that may no longer be "core to government operations." ...
Raised in Orono, Maine, Murphy didn’t start sewing in earnest until she declared a major in fashion design and production at Lasell University. After graduating, she discovered a talent for turning ...
The most famous early modern houses in Portland will be open to supporters of the preservation organization Restore Oregon in May and June, and tickets are limited. Portland architect Pietro Belluschi ...
The exhibit runs from March 14 through December 31 at the Maine Historical Society on Congress Street in Portland.
The future of the distinctive red building on Center Street is uncertain, but if it does come down, we're sure to hear about ...