Richard Gordon Hoyt, 71, died Monday, February 17, 2025 from pneumonia secondary to a long battle with Inclusion Body Myositis. Richard was born in Framingham, MA on June 11, 1953, son of Ruland S.
The wellness world loves a trendy ingredient and right now that’s mushrooms. The ‘shroom boom’ is officially underway and that means putting fungi into everything, including our morning cup ...
After a safety lecture, members may consume magic mushrooms, whose psychedelic ingredient, psilocybin, can cause hallucinations and altered perceptions. Members can take the mushrooms at church ...
LONGVIEW, Texas (KLTV) - It’s a sign that spring is around the corner, as an East Texas arboretum announces their spring concert series. April will mark the 10th season of the Longview Arboretum’s ...
Enjoy your fresh mushrooms in your favorite dishes! Of course, there is so much to learn outside these three simple steps. Be sure to head to the Arboretum Flower Show anytime now through March 16 ...
The latest morning drink is a cup of mushroom coffee. Here's what makes it different from the traditional cup of coffee. Taylor Freitas is a freelance writer and has contributed to publications ...
Founded in 1928, the 189-acre Hoyt Arboretum features over 170 different ... There are also adult classes on everything from forest bathing to mushroom identification walks (prices range from ...
The 2019 Mushroom Festival at Mount Pisgah Arboretum, co-hosted by Cascade Mycological Society and Lane Community College, brought hundreds of participants from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday October 27.
Joan Carolyn Hoyt Rogers, of Chanhassen ... watching the birds in her beloved arboretum, or holding baby animals at the zoo, Joan enjoyed all aspects of nature. Between trips, Joan found time ...