Bollywood actor-couple Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa announced their production company titled KAMPA Films on Friday. They ...
Mumbai, Jan 31 (PTI) Bollywood actor couple Patralekhaa and Rajkummar Rao on Friday announced the launch of their production ...
Indian actors Patralekhaa and Rajkummar Rao have officially launched their own production house, KAMPA Films. The name KAMPA ...
We’ve always believed in the magic of storytelling, and Kampa gives us the chance to bring stories we care about to life, the ...
Bollywood actors and real-life couple Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa debut KAMPA Films, a production house named after their ...
Hansal Mehta and Rajkummar Rao have delivered critically acclaimed films like Shahid and Aligarh, establishing themselves as a successful director-actor duo.