韩国国际广播电台报道:韩国总统室表示,韩美日首脑会谈将于年内举行。国家安保室长申源湜23日做客韩联社电视节目时表示,根据去年在戴维营达成的协议,三国首脑应于今年举行会谈,目前正就是借多边会议之机举行,还是另行举行进行磋商。尽管尚未得出结论,但年内举行的可能性很大,暂时可以肯定地说 ...
Außenminister Cho Tae-yul wird in New York mit seinen Amtskollegen aus den USA und Japan zusammenkommen. Cho reiste nach Angaben seines Ministeriums am Montag zur Teilnahme ...
Las autoridades militares de Corea del Sur confirmaron un nuevo lanzamiento de globos con basura por parte de Corea del Norte a través de la frontera intercoreana. En un ...
La Corée du Nord ne cesse d’envoyer des ballons poubelles en direction de sa voisine du Sud.Selon l'état-major interarmées sud-coréen (JCS), hier, 120 objets volants ...
韓国で自然妊娠による五つ子が誕生しました。人工授精ではなく自然妊娠による五つ子の誕生は、韓国では初めてです。 ソウル聖母病院によりますと、五つ子は男の子3人、女の子2人で、今月20日に誕生し、母子ともに健康だということです。妊娠27週での早期出産のため、五つ子は12月まで保育器で ...
North Korea has captured its third FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup title after defeating Japan.The North’s women’s soccer team beat Japan one-nil on Sunday in the final at Estadio ...
The state power company has decided to freeze electricity prices for the fourth quarter of the year.The Korea Electric Power Corporation(KEPCO) said Monday that with ...
The South Korean military has warned of “stern military measures” if North Korea continues its ongoing trash balloon campaign. The Joint Chiefs of Staff(JCS) said in ...
South Korea and the United States will hold their eighth round of talks on the renewal of the defense cost-sharing agreement that apportions the costs of stationing U.S. troops ...
Seoulites will vote in a new superintendent of education in by-elections set for mid-October, while four administrative districts across the nation will choose mayors.The ...
Le ministre sud-coréen des Affaires étrangères a décollé ce matin pour assister à la 79e session de l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies à New York. Cho Tae-yul en profitera ...