September the 30th, 2024 – Stories about high Croatian prices continue to cause issues for the country’s reputation. One ...
The Interior Ministry (MUP) has been preparing a huge project which will involve all Croatian police officers carrying cameras.
Plenković is spending time across the pond. He has met Croatian entrepreneurs in California who see Croatia's improvements ...
Croatian bananas and pineapples, as well as the successful cultivation of other exotic fruits, will soon become a reality according to some.
Croatian health tourism has become a real hit for many, but there are still improvements to be made going forward.
September 26, 2024 – Nenad Bjelica is the coach of Dinamo, again. As was speculated all week, Nenad Bjelica has returned to ...
The Dani U Vali Festival has spotlighted the rich maritime traditions employed by islanders for countless centuries in Stari Grad on Hvar.
Aspect Croatia has come upon a significant gas deposit not too far from Sisak in the continental part of the country.
The Croatian Tourist Board clearly considers event tourism – particularly events held outside the main tourist season – to be ...
Croatian PM Andrej Plenković has sat down for an interview with CNN in which he discussed Croatia's development and more.
Aarhus is followed by Zurich and Berlin, and 19 of the top twenty happiest cities are European. Scandinavia dominates, and it ...
The Croatian Končar company has presented its latest impressive battery motor train in Berlin, and the crowds were impressed.