Maban County Commissioner Peter Alberto announced his shift from the party led by First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar to the ...
A herdsman and a 10-year-old boy were killed in an attack by armed assailants on the outskirts of Muruou village in the ...
Warrap State authorities on Friday said the Buoyar community in Gogrial East County and the Abiem Mayar Mareng of Tonj North ...
The deputy governor of Eastern Equatoria State, who also heads the SPLM-IO in the state, lauded the presidency for extending ...
Deng John Deng, a South Sudanese lawyer, told Radio Tamazuj that the three administrative areas of Abyei, Ruweng, and Pibor ...
Médecins Sans Frontières, also known as Doctors Without Borders, teams in South Sudan have embraced AI technology to identify ...
The crime section of the police in the Warrap State capital, Kuajok, on Monday, said they arrested a man who murdered his ...
Government of Salva Kiir and the opposition: two sides of the same coin Despite the political and ethnic differences between ...
أعرب الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة عن انزعاجه الشديد إزاء التقارير التي تفيد بشن قوات الدعم السريع هجوما شاملا على الفاشر، عاصمة ...
قالت سلطات ولاية واراب بجنوب السودان، “الجمعة”، إن مجتمع بويار في مقاطعة قوقريال الشرقية وأبيم ميار مارينق في مقاطعة تونج ...