Head of the Slovak National Party (SNS) Andrej Danko has no mandate to set the tone of domestic politics, President Peter Pellegrini, currently visiting the UN in New York, said on Monday, adding that ...
Slovak President Peter Pellegrini on Monday invited UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to visit Slovakia. According to Pellegrini, the visit could take place during an international forum on ...
The opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) party and Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) have accepted Premier Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) invitation to talks on consolidation of public finances, while the ...
The Slovak National Party (SNS) doesn't intend to withdraw from the coalition agreement and it doesn't intend to betray its coalition partner Smer-SD in negotiations, either, SNS head Andrej Danko ...
Current political crises in the world can be addressed via existing international institutions, namely through pragmatic cooperation that can lead to increased trust among members of the United ...
The key to calming the situation within the coalition lies in the hands of Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD), opined Labour Minister Erik Tomas (Voice-SD) on Monday, adding that a recent dispute between ...
The adoption of the Global Digital Compact (GDC) at a Summit for the Future held on the sidelines of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly is a significant step forward and will ensure that ...
The coalition Slovak National Party (SNS) can join the opposition during the no-confidence motion in Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova that is on the agenda of the ongoing parliamentary session, MP ...
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Bratislava, September 23 (TASR) - An exhibition to mark the 80th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising (SNP) has opened on the premises of the Culture Ministry's hall in Bratislava and will run ...
New York 24. septembra (TASR) - Ukrajina musí byť pri svojich cieľoch vo vojne s Ruskom realistická a prijať, že časť jej územia by mohla aspoň dočasne zostať pod ruskou kontrolou. V rozhovore zverejn ...
Las Vegas 23. septembra (TASR) - Slovenský hokejista Viliam Kmec podpísal trojročný nováčikovský kontrakt s klubom Vegas Golden Knights. Dvadsaťročný obranca presvedčil vedenie klubu na predsezónnom k ...