This course is a continuation of IN1000 – Introduction to Object-oriented Programming and goes deeper into object-oriented programming; the working language is java, and it´ll be given an introduction ...
Lectures and seminars are given in English. All parts of the exam may be taken either in English or a Scandinavian language. In this course we will study aspects of the cultural history of magic, ...
The course provides a broad-based introduction to meteorology, with an emphasis on understanding physics and mathematically describing the processes in the atmosphere. There will be an introduction to ...
The course is intended for students interested in solid state physics and electronics. The course starts with an introduction and repetition of the main principles in solid state physics. This will be ...
This course provides an introduction to key concepts and methods in bioinformatics. Emphasis will be put on review of efficient algorithms, data structures, and techniques used in current applications ...
We are witnessing an explosive rise in the popularity of the blockchain paradigm, the technology that enables cooperative economic models without a central administrator. While originally inspired by ...
The current debates on blackfacing, Liam Neeson, and Black Lives Matter have taught us that racism still matters. For a long time seen as a phenomenon largely unique to Nazism and thus as an ...
This course gives an introduction to the Scandinavian/Norwegian welfare state focusing on family policies, gender equality and family change. Theoretically, the course is informed by gender ...
Why did so many people throughout history decide that political power should be exercised democratically? Is democracy actually the best form of government? If so, which type of democracy? For ...
This course will provide students in pharmacy a solid foundation in organic chemistry where relevant pharmaceutical topics will be applied to illustrate organic chemistry. The course will also give ...
Emnet gir en innføring i hvordan norsk natur inndeles, naturvariasjonen systematiseres og naturtyper kartlegges ved bruk av Artsdatabankens naturbeskrivelsessystem ‘Natur i Norge’ (NiN). Emnet ...
lage programvare som er lett å analysere med hensyn på sikkerhet og pålitelighet samtidig som den er lett å vedlikeholde. forstå hvordan praktisk programvareutvikling kan ha nytte av teorier om ...