Dumfries House, part of The King's Foundation. Set in 2,000 acres, this stunning Estate and 18th-century house with its unrivalled collection of Chippendale furniture has something for everyone.
Dumfries House remained a family home from 1760-1993, when the last full-time occupant, Lady Eileen, Dowager Marchioness of Bute, passed away. The house remained in the hands of the …
Dumfries House is one of Britain's most beautiful stately homes. Set in 2,000 acres of land, this stunning estate and 18th-century house with its unrivalled collection of original furniture has …
Visitor Information. Find out how to purchase tickets for guided tours, opening times and prices, directions to Dumfries House and other useful information.
Dumfries House is one of Britain’s most beautiful stately homes, with an outstanding collection of eighteenth-century furniture including fine examples of the work of Thomas Chippendale.
Tours. We offer guided tours daily throughout the summer season, with weekends only during the winter season. Please note that entry to the House is by guided tour only and we advise that …
Visitors can enjoy a delicious meal in our Woodlands Restaurant or an overnight stay at our newly renovated Lodge with its 22 luxury guest bedrooms. There is so much to see and do for all …
The resulting collection of furniture at Dumfries House is the biggest in the world. With over 50 pieces, it constitutes around 10 per cent of Chippendale’s surviving authenticated output.
The Blue Drawing Room is an elegant Georgian sitting room. The 5th Earl of Dumfries wrote of his intention to have two sofas from London to be placed on either side of the fireplace in this …
It was commissioned by the 3rd Marquess of Bute and was specifically designed to house four early-eighteenth-century Flemish tapestries acquired by the 5th Earl of Dumfries, two of which …